Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Adult Classes Need Blessings, Too

In our recent question post, the question was asked about adult classes -

  1. How to decorate them

  2. Different activities besides lecturing for classes

I have taught ladies' classes and, periodically, get to attend adult classes, so I am going to give a few suggestions. However, I want to hear from all of you. If there is something you have done in your class that you love, let me hear about it!!!

How to Decorate Your Classroom:

If you have a bulletin board in your room, divide it into different sections:

  1. place a prayer list on one side
  2. put pictures from a class or church event
  3. display different Bible verses to encourage or to relate to the class study at the time.

You might look for different art work that displays Bible verses and have them framed. Hang these in your classroom for a simple but relevant art work.

Different Activities for Your Class:

In one of our classes, we have a card list. A dear sister collects addresses of members of the congregation, family members and friends of people in the congregation, service men and women, etc. who need cards of encouragement for one reason or another. She types them up each week and everyone in the class receives a copy of it, so they can go home and send personal cards to these people throughout the week.

We also send class cards to people who may need them each week. Money is collected to buy the cards and stamps needed for this project.

Divide your class into different groups and have each group look at a specific part of the lesson you want to highlight. Have each group present their findings at the end of a specific time.

Encourage class members to get together for a time of fellowship outside of class. We try to meet with our class once a month in members' homes, parks or even in the activity center. This builds relationships outside of the regular church meeting times.

Give homework to your class. This way they come ready to participate and discuss - more than just listening - the topic of study.

Like I said earlier, I have just a few ideas and those are not new under the sun!!! Please let us know what your adult classes are doing because even they need blessings!!!


  1. Thanks for this suggestion.

    The problem I have (and many adult teachers run in to) is that my room is a multi-function room. My Sunday morning class meets in one end of our fellowship hall, and I teach in the auditorium on Wednesday nights.

    Any suggestions for these spaces? I want the students (and me) to feel "at home" in these areas, but I also understand that they are used for many other things.

    The suggestions in this article are great!!!

  2. Try getting a board on wheels that could be rolled in and out of a class. Decorate the board with some of things listed in the post. This way the class its own board like they would if in a regular class. Sorry . . . . I am stretching myself here!!! Hope this helps!
