Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Jesus Calls the Apostles

VBS "By The Sea" Lesson- Jesus calls the apostles to be fishers of men! 

snack-  fishing poles using pretzel rods, pull apart twizzlers, and gummy fish! 'Glued' the twizzler and fish with almond bark. 

The 2 year olds counted the apostles. An upside egg carton works perfectly with there being 12 places to stick apostles on popsicle sticks! Also used the poster board with apostles while singing the apostles song and then used it in a matching center. Kids matched the smaller apostles with the one on the poster board. 

Tune: "If You're Happy And You Know It"

One day Jesus called some fisherman.
One day Jesus called some fisherman.
He called "come follow me"
They left their nets and went,
One day Jesus called some fisherman.

To go along with our "by the sea" theme the kids counted sea shells in one center

They also went fishing in a pool filled with tissue paper and fish with paper clips attached. I hot glued a heavy duty magnet to the end of a string attached to a pole for them to fish with.


  1. Love all of your ideas!
    Where did you get the printable of the 12 apostles? I'd love to make those to use in my preschool classroom.

  2. I have this in our file drawer at church but I dont know where it came from either. I found this online googling "12 apostles" http://www.biblekids.eu/new_testament/twelve_apostles/twelve_apostles_coloring/Twelve%20Apostles_3.jpg
