Sunday, June 7, 2009

Bible Class is TREE-mendous Bulletin Board

I'm looking for ways to do the "teaching" things I love as I'm transitioning into being a principal, so I brought this bulletin board idea from school to my Bible class. I made the tree with bulletin board paper and green netting. As the children came in this morning, I wrote their names on the apples and put them up onto the tree. I bought the bear from DJ Inkers. I made the grass with bulletin board paper cut into strips. We're going to use apples as our classroom theme this quarter. I'm going to have the children practice recognizing their names with an apple board which I'll post later. The children were very excited to put their apples on the tree, put their apples on their attendance charts, and learn about the "sign-in" tree. I wanted them to be excited about their new Bible class, and I think it worked! Even though I missed my children who promoted, I think this class is also going to be TREE-mendous!


  1. This bulletin board looks really good Kim!

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