Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Feeding the 5000


I taught the 2 year olds this year at VBS. They were a lot of fun. We did several crafts each night to go along with the lesson. One of our lessons was about Jesus feeding the 5000. Kim taught the 3 year olds and may have some different things to share from her class to go along with this lesson.

We made loaves and fish necklaces using Ziti and paper fish.

Kim's class made these cute baskets by cutting off the top half of a brown paper lunch sack and adding a construction paper handle. They counted out 5 loaves and 2 fish to go in their baskets.

My class made these baskets by lacing yarn around the edges and placing 5 loaves and 2 fish inside. Kim found this pattern for us but any basket pattern would work by punching holes along the edges. As you can see in the pictures I starting the lacing for my 2 year olds and just had them finish the last few holes with the assistance of my helpers. They enjoyed doing this craft.

We did a very simple fish craft to go along with this lesson. I found this cute pattern online and enlarged it and had the kids glue tissue paper all over it. They love doing anything that allows them to use glue!!

We sang several cute songs and did a couple of other activities to go along with this lesson. We will try to post those soon


  1. I am doing this Bible story with my AWANA group tonight and these crafts are PERFECT! Thank you so much for taking the time to post them.

  2. I am looking for inexpensive crafts for our VBS this summer. Thanks so much for sharing this. The pictures help a lot.

  3. Thank you for these great ideas that won't break the budget!
