Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Home Instruction Time - HIT

We have noticed in our Bible classes that many times things are lost between teaching it one week and reviewing it the next week. A lot of times the parents are more than willing to review at home, but don't know what to do. We also wanted the parents to know exactly what we are learning about in class each time. The solution: HIT - Home Instruction Time.
Each Sunday we send home a sheet with each child giving the parents something to do with their child each day of the week to review. On this sheet we list the memory work we are working on as well as memory verses and questions to go over with their child. Here is an example of what the HIT work may look like during a week's time.

Home Instruction Time Week #1
Week One: Elijah, Elisha and Joel

Sunday: Use the Elijah bag to review the stories that involve Elijah.
Talk about how sometimes what Elijah said about God want not the
popular thing to say, but he did it anyways. How can we be like that?
Work on the first 5 books of the Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,
Numbers and Deuteronomy.
Pray with your child. Talk about words that can be used to describe God.
Monday: Use the Elisha bag to review the stories that involve Elisha. Talk about how
Naaman’s instructions seemed crazy to him, but it was God told him to do.
Sometimes we are told to do things we think are crazy. What should we do?
Work on the first 5 books of the Old Testament.
Pray with your child. Emphasizing praising God for how great He is!
Tuesday: Use both the Elijah and Elisha bags to review the stories. Have your child
place the story card in correct bag. How can we be like Elijah and Elisha
Work on the first 5 books of the Old Testament.
Pray with your child. See how many words you can come up with that
describe God.
Wednesday: Have your child tell you about the story of Joel from tonight’s lesson.
Work on the first 5 books of the Old Testament.
Pray with your child. Use the words that describe God and pray a prayer of
praise to God.
Thursday: Read the story of Joel in Joel 2:18-32. What was the punishment for not
obeying God? What happens to us when we do not obey?
Work on the first 5 books of the Old Testament.
Pray with your child. Have your child tell you what God is to him/her.
Friday: Review the story of Joel with your child by asking questions or playing the tic-
tac-toe game. Talk about how hard it is to obey sometimes, but why it is
important to do so.
Work on the first 5 books of the Old Testament.
Pray with your child. Review your words that describe God.
Saturday: Review Elijah, Elisha and Joel and what we can learn from
Pray with your child praising God for all He has done.
Work on the first 5 books of the Old Testament.

Next week’s lessons will be on Joash – the good and the bad!
You do have to work with the Wednesday night teacher to see what they are learning and some activities you can include to help review. I have had parents come to me asking for this sheet if they are not in class that morning or their child was not in class. My friend, Sandy, and I who teach together have seen a difference in how much the children are remembering and the memory work they are doing. This HIT work was from our 5 year old class. Mrs. Kim, the 4 year old teacher, is also sending HIT sheets home with her class. She also includes questions to ask the children to help review throughout the week.

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