Using a raisin pattern, enlarge and copy 4 raisins onto purple cardstock. Copy smaller raisins onto purple cardstock – the number will depend on how many clues you want to give. Glue the large raisins on a poster board and attach a library pocket below each raisin. Label the library pockets: MOSES, AARON, MIRIAM, JOSHUA. On the smaller raisins, write characteristics of each of these leaders. Laminate the poster board or cover with clear contact paper. Sliding an exact-o knife along the opening of the pocket, open the pocket of each library pocket to allow the smaller raisins to be placed inside. The children will read the description and place it in the pocket of the leader it describes.
1. Led the Israelites out of Egypt. (Moses)
2. Died on Mt. Nebo. (Moses)
3. Was a priest. (Aaron)
4. Spoke for Moses. (Aaron)
5. Moses’ brother. (Aaron)
6. Moses’ sister. (Miriam)
7. Had leprosy. (Miriam)
8. Died in the desert of Zin. (Miriam)
9. Took over the Israel leadership from Moses. (Joshua)
10. Was one of the spies with the good report. (Joshua)
You could add more leaders and more descriptions to make this game more applicable to your learning situation.
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