Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Memory Box

One of my children's teachers began a wonderful way to review each week’s lesson when they began teaching the two year old class. Seeing how the children vividly remembered the lessons and even the details of the lesson, others have begun to use this technique even up into the elementary age classes.
The teachers purchased shoe box Rubbermaid boxes and wrote each child’s name on the top of the box. Inside the box, the memories from each lesson were kept. At the end of the quarter, each child took home his or her box with the memory objects inside. When the students moved to the 3 and 4 year old class the teachers attached a list of questions to the memory so the parents know exactly what to ask in helping their child review at home.
In the lower elementary classes, we use a class box to hold our memories instead of individual ones. However, questions are sent home at the end of each class. We also tell the parents on that same sheet what the memory item was that we put into our memory box.
Whichever way you choose to operate your memory box, the rewards are the same – a classroom full of students who remember the lesson and parents who are extremely thankful for the thought that went into their child’s lesson that day. Do use your memory box at the beginning of each class to review. Even if it is only just a few lessons for which you have time. This just continues to reinforce the lessons throughout the quarter.

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