Used this as a whole group review. I found this activity at It could be used with older kids by letting them match pictures to the correct day all by themselves. With the 2,s I let them hold the pictures and then as I talked about each day we looked to see who was holding the correct picture. They would then come add it to the correct spot. They like having something hold! They did very well with this activity and were so cute studying their pictures to see who was holding what I was describing!
Used this next game as a center for the kids to match the pictures. Found this at
For our snack/take home we made these marshmallow people. I put them in a bag labeled "Day 6- God Made People" The kids enjoyed eating the parts while making one to take home! I found this idea here! The internet really is a great resource for teaching the bible to children!!
WOW!!! These ideas are just GREAT!! You guys are so resourceful and creative! I may have to borrow these for the next time I teach! :) Such great ideas!!!
Great stuff Sandy!!! Love it!
I'm teaching creation now in Story Hour for 4/5 year olds. I'm going to be using this! THANKS, Sandy!
This is very nice!
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